Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Silly cars

I love the old VW vans but this is silly.
I would have shown up at school if I was riding in this everyday
This has got to be the worst limo ever!!
The not-so Smart Car. Just ridicu-tarded
And one more that I can't even put into words.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

FunnyPic Round-Up #2

The more you know.
This one makes me giggle.
Who thinks this shit up? A little to literal
I got a wall full of guitars like these.
Not sure if I really like this one. It made me think about math

FunnyPic Round-Up #1

So sick of the vampire/zombie craze. A couple good movies/TV shows but mostly just crap.
Better than SPAM??
You lose asshole!!!! Shoulda went with rock!
Boner!! I mean Bono moving in mysterious ways
She has eyes???!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Frank Beard's Drums

Been thinking about drums to day and I remembered that Frank Beard of ZZ Top has always had some amazing looking kits. May not be the best drummer alive but always stylin' Check out these pics.

Yes - Roundabout

Yes doing a bluesy acoustic version of their classic. I love this version and the guitar solo at the beginning is amazing

Coolest Kid Ever

From a deep sleep to drum master in seconds

Larry Gowan - Strange Animal

Gowan doing his big hit from the 80's solo on piano on the Kim Mitchell Show. This guy is an amazing musician. I saw him live in the 90's and again with Styx as the new and improved Dennis DeYoung. This is great!

Blood, Sweat & Tears

Is there anything better than a kick-ass horn section. This one of the best ever formed. From a Jazz Festival in 1993, they play Lucretia McEvil & Spinning Wheel. Amazing!!!

The Amazing Skunk Anansie!!

If you have never heard this girl sing, you are missing out. First an acoustic version of their song Weak, and then my personal fave by them, Charlie Big Potato.

Neil Peart - YYZ (Swing version)

I don't ever want to hear about these drummer with huge sets need them to compensate for being crappy drummers. One of the best "big set" drummers proves he can still play one of the coolest drum tunes ever on a tiny set. It's Rush's Neil Peart playing YYZ at a Buddy Rich Memorial Show. Incredible!!

Lennon & Maisy Stella - Headlock

A great cover of Imogen Heap, again by the amazing Stella girls. Can't wait to see them this fall on their new TV show called Nashville. Gonna be big stars.

The Amazing Maisy Stella

This gets me teared up every time. Blows me away when this crowd thinks "Oh Gawd, another kid who's parents think she can sing", then they hear her sing the first line and are all blown away.

How to suck at religion

Again, religion pisses me off. You can believe whatever you want but never try to push it on me. Religion to me, is just another vice that people use to get through their lives. Some use drugs, some use alcohol. How is pushing your Gawd on me any different than pushing heroin on me? Both destroy the mind. Anyways, I love The Oatmeal and this is one of my fave postings of theirs. Enjoy

Metallica & Herbie Hancock - Master Of Doin' It

I am not a fan of mash ups. In fact I hate them, but this is cool as hell. Hetfield's agressive vocals of a cool funky beat from the 70's. Ultimate cool.

Band Of Skulls - Bruises

One of my fave new bands. The Band Of Skulls. I am addicted to this song

Guess Who - Hand Me Down World 2012

My buddy Stan just got a great gig playing bass for the classic band The Guess Who.

The Trews - Sing Your Heart Out

Rare video of the great song by one of Canada's best bands.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Drummers are incredible.

Drummers can burn up to 600 calories in an hour. Unbelievable.

"Dr Smith found that during a performance, his (Clem Burke) heart averaged between 140 and 150 beats a minute, peaking at 190, levels comparable to other top athletes. However, Dr Smith said that while top footballers were expected to perform once or twice a week, drummers on tour would be doing it every night at a different venue."

This video further demonstrates it but it also has the coolest high speed camera on the drums and cymbals and the results are mind blowing.

Alice IN Chains & Gretchen Wilson - Barracuda

I had no idea she could sing like that

Pink Floyd At Pompeii

I can't count how many times I have sat thru this amazing concert, with no audience.

Monster Truck - Seven Sea Blues

Great new band from Canada with a retro-Sabbath type sound. Ove it

Gawd, bless this beer

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

OK Go have always been known as innovators of music video. This is my fave by them

Amazing Spray Paint Art

Pretty amazing. Guys like this who make it looks so easy blow me away.