Friday, August 30, 2013

Wildlife In Parry Sound, ON

Here's few snapshots that my wife and I have collected of our local wildlife.
A young Green Heron
                                                  Female Mallards with young
                                              Biggest Black Bear I have seen up here
                                                                       Beaver Shot
                                                                   Canada Geese
                                                           A Cormorant in-flight
                                                                A deer in my yard
                                    My wife loves dragonflies and she took this amazing pic
                                                                 A frog obviously
                                          A young Great Blue Heron poking his head up
                                                       The beautiful Green Heron
                                                             Green Heron in-flight
                                                        Ring-billed Gull (Sea Gull)
                                                               Northern Water Snake
                           A couple of swans, unfortunately tagged ruining the beauty of the pic
                                                                      Turkey Vulture
                                                                       Painted Turtle
                                                      A couple of young Wood Ducks

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